Ortopedie Si Traumatologie


Judet: Hunedoara



Ioan Haboczki

Dear Dr Carmen, I understand that my Mother is in hospital at the moment, can you please tell me if she is under your care and what exactly has happened. Its unfortunate I live in England so cant get to the hospital to see anyone and whats happening. Is it at all possible that we might be able to talk on the phone Monday morning when I believe you will be at the hospital. My Mothers name is Ardelean Etelca and she was admitted into the hospital Friday afternoon with a broken ankle. Thank you Ioan Haboczki

Jan. 15, 2011, 7:43 p.m.

Saptamana Medicala Administrator

Please, contact directly by phone Dr. Carmen Apostu!

Jan. 17, 2011, 11:40 a.m.
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